Überseewiese applied | graphical | physical März 2020 Design, Participation and activities around the Überseestadt As part of „Meet Your Neighbours AG“ at HfK BremenIn cooperation with Überseekirche, GEWOBA Bremen and many others… MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS was a platform for intercultural exchange, that evolved from common activities of people from the University of Arts Bremen and refugees from the neighbouring accomodations in the Überseestadt. Since 2015 we have organized various projects and activities, reaching from art and creative offers, language and homework support to design and digital workshops and since 2018
Woanders arty | digital | graphical Dezember 2019 Media-scenography for theatrical music-performance Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… It is quite complicated to describe this crossover of poetry, music, film, scenography and media art, so you better have to experience it for yourself. After the successfull premiere at HAU – Hebbel am Ufer the performance will be shown again at WUK in Vienna from 20. – 21.03.:
Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens animated | applied | arty | digital | graphical | physical November 2018 Theoretical thoughts and experimental infrastructures on the history and future of screens Master Thesis in the Digital Media program at University of the Arts Bremen Supervised by Prof. Dennis Paul and Prof. Frieder Nake The project “Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens” combines a detailed examination of the historic development of screens and theoretical thoughts about the essence of screenic properties with two experimental infrastructures to make speculations about screens of the future tangible. Theoretical Part… As a starting point to examine this
LUX EXCELSIS (With Xenorama) animated | arty | graphical | physical Januar 2018 Ceiling projection in church vault… In religious and spiritual contexts, the terms light and height are often associated with a universal and ordering power — similar to mathematics and geometry in the field of natural science. The nave of the St. Andreas church in Hildesheim is characterized by a stellar vault at 90ft height, which connects and subdivides the individual sections of the church ceiling. In an audiovisual architectural projection, the geometric structure and the resulting conception of space are explored, as well as the meaning of the firmament — which is implicit in the
Oneironaut (with Xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2015 projection mapping at the schlosslichtspiel on the castle karlsruhe together with marcel bückner, tim heinze, richard oeckel, moritz richartz Produced by Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Many thanks to the technical support by PONG.LI!… In August and September 2015 Xenorama was invited by the ZKM to contribute this project to the GLOBALE in the course of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe. Our show „Oneironaut – Visions of a lucid palace“ was projected
moya facade (with xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2014 projection at genius loci weimar projection mapping festival together with Marcel Bückner, Thorbjörn Geisler, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz… Together with my colleagues from Xenorama I was contributing a projection to one of the three facades of Genius Loci Festival 2014 in Weimar. The show was hosted at the Herderplatz and projected onto the Ohm Krüger House as well as onto the statue of Johann Gottfried von Herder. Herder’s and Krüger’s quite discrepant perspectives served highly inspirational as Heder’s statue has been facing Paul Krügers busk for
26th floor (at Urbanscreen)26th floor (participation at urbanscreen) animated | applied | digital | graphical | physical Juli 2013 An augmented sculpture at Four Seasons Hotel Beirut, Lebanon Participation at Urbanscreen… This permanent light sculpture was exclusively developed for the rooftop of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut. Sculpture development and content development refer to each other in an interdependent design. By assimilating specific aspects of the environment, this work was developed from scratch as a site-specific piece of art. See the whole documentation here at the Urbanscreen website. During my internship at Urbanscreen I was contributing to this project on many levels. I was involved in the conceptual
dipdip applied | digital | graphical Januar 2013 Betreut von Prof. Gillian Crampton Smith und Prof. Philip Tabor Zusammen mit Ruggero Castagnola, Maria D’Uonno und Laura Panno… DIP ist eine Smartphone App die es ermöglicht die Unterwasserwelt in den Kanälen von Venedig zu erkunden. In unserem Konzept sind unter einigen Brücken in der Stadt Mikrocontrollereinheiten platziert die sich drahtlos mit dem Telefon verbinden und es einem erlauben eine Unterwasserkamera fernzusteuern und zusätzliche Echtzeitdaten zum Zustand des Kanals abzurufen. Die App visualisiert Über- und Unterwasserdaten, wie zum Beispiel die Flußrichtung
design will not save the worlddesign will not save the world arty | graphical Oktober 2012 Finalist at postercompetition Weltformat… For the 2012 edition of the swiss poster competition Weltformat in Luzern I developed this poster. The given topic was „tomorow„, which I transformed into a only apparently pessimistic looking design. The poster was one out of 20 of the 260 submissions which was nominated and shown in Luzern.
add me as a friendadd me as a friend arty | digital | graphical | physical Februar 2012 Betreut von Prof. Tanja Prill, Sven Michel Zusammen mit Helene Maus, Yamuna Peters, Wladimir Schwabauer, Wei Qiang… In der Hochschulpublikation “add me as a friend” zeigen Absolventenarbeiten aller Studiengänge der hfk Bremen, mit welchen Themen sich die StudentInnen 2011 beschäftigt haben, welche Fragen sie aufwerfen und wie es nach dem Studium weitergehen kann. In einer Arbeitsgruppe entwickelten wir eine lebendige HfK-Publikation die alle Studiengänge der Hochschule sichtbar macht, keinen klassischen Jahresbericht. Ergänzt wird die Publikation von zwei digitalen
hochschultage 2012open day hfk 2012 animated | applied | digital | graphical Februar 2012 Corporate Design und Trailer für die Hochschultage 2012 Betreut von Prof. Roland Lambrette, Henning Rogge Zusammen mit Mikko Gaertner, Filippo Baraccani (Trailer) und anderen.… Das Gestaltung der Hochschultage wird jedes Jahr von einer Gruppe von Studenten erarbeitet. Das Konzept soll im wesentlichen die HfK nach außen publik machen und Menschen für die Hochschultage interessieren. Dabei gilt es zu beachten, die Fachbereiche Musik, Kunst & Design und die vielen Studiengänge angemessen zu repräsentieren. Die konzeptionelle Gestaltung des versucht diesen vielfältigen