GLACIAL MEMORIES (with Xenorama) animated | applied | digital | physical Dezember 2023 Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in PotsdamTogether with Marcel Bückner, Mateo Zieten, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze … While Glaciers store most of our world wide drinking water resources they also act as natural archives which store and divulge historical data from the past. As a recollective medium the ice conserves reports over long forgotten developments providing details about previous climate changes and natural disasters in history. Changes in climate continually challenge these archives
STRATA (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical Mai 2023 Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier Premiered in May 2023Commissioned by Waterlight Festival BrixenTogether with Marcel Bückner, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz … The work STRATA is an intriguing journey through the life cycle of a glacier as a site-specific projection on the facade of the public library in Brixen, Italy. The development of a glacier is followed from Microcosm to Macrocosm, from compressed layers of snow to meandering formations that shape whole landscapes. In the course of the animation, the visitors are guided into the heart of a glacier, where
POLYTOPE XIA (by HfK Students) animated | arty | digital | physical März 2023 An audiovisual exploration of Speicher XI A inspired by Iannis Xenakis Supervision as lecturer. Conceptual and technical guidancePremiere in April 2023… More information: On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the composer, architect and multimedia artist Iannis Xenakis, students of both departments of the University of the Arts Bremen have studied his Polytope de Cluny (1972), an early milestone of immersive digital media art. They will now interpret the original audio tracks on a 3D loudspeaker setup and juxtapose them with a light installation,
RE:ZITATION (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical November 2022 Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year Premiered in November 2022Exhibited at Castle Neu-Augustusburg WeißenfelsTogether with Marcel Bückner, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz … RE:ZITATION is a light and sound installation as part of the celebratory year in honour of the composer Heinrich Schütz as well as the poet and philosopher Novalis. Neu-Augustusburg Castle in Weißenfels was illuminated by a projection mapping as the final and climax of the celebrations. The castle’s facade served as a canvas for an artistic interpretation of the ideas,
STEEL AND BYTES (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical Oktober 2022 Interactive shipyard model for exhibitions Premiered in October 2022Exhibited at German Maritime Museum BremerhavenTogether with Marcel Bückner, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz … For the special exhibition “Steel and Bytes – Ein Schiff entsteht” at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven, we developed an interactive model that makes it possible to experience the processes of a modern shipyard. The heart of the exhibition are five large-format touch screens on which transparent 3D-printed and laser-cut models of an archetypal shipyard are displayed. The
GIF JOCKEY animated | arty | digital April 2022 A web based tool for VJing with GIFs Fun side projectIn continous development since 2018… With GIF JOCKEY you can use your favourite GIFs for VJing for a party in your browser. All you need to do is find out or tap the beats-per-minute of the song, search for some funny GIFs, arrange them and enjoy. And drink some beers.
LUMINOUS OBJECT animated | arty | digital | physical März 2022 Artistic studies in between image and sculpture Self initiated research projectPremiered in February 2022Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… The project LUMINOUS OBJECT is a series of self-initiated artistic studies to explore the aesthetic potential of screens at the intersection of image and sculpture. The viewer’s visual habits are challenged and the materiality of the objects is questioned. Various transparent and translucent objects are composed on “screenic” surfaces, and backlit with precisely fitting animations
MIMESIS (with Xenoram) animated | arty | digital | physical September 2021 Projection Mapping on „Post-Naturalia“ Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenoram… The work MIMESIS for Lichtstrom Festival Ingolstadt was inspired by its motto Post-Naturalia. We developed an artistic projection mapping onto a part of the Reduit Tilly building in Klenzepark. The mirror-symmetrical façade of the army museum formed the connection of the festival area to the banks of the Danube and the city centre. The term post-naturalia refers to the artificial imitation, for example of natural reality, which in our case is superimposed
REFLECT (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical Januar 2021 360° concert installation Cooperation with Kammerakademie Potsdam and Waschhaus Potsdam Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… REFLECT is a 360° concert installation exploring the possibilities of an artistic communication between man and machine. A digital entity is embodied in different non-anthropomorphic light, screen and mirror arrangements as an observer, interpreter and virtual conductor. The performance depicts an encounter between this technical organism and a human orchestra in various evolving stages. The machine’s
Summerschool Bremen Durban animated | applied | digital | physical September 2020 Workshop on projections in public space with DUT Durban, South Africa Academic exchange between University of the Arts Bremen and Durban University of Technology… I was part of the organizing team of an DAAD funded exchange program between Bremen and Durban, and could incorporate some of my previous expericences and other projects in South Africa. Also I conducted a workshop called „Blurring the Virtual and the Physical“ about interventions in Public Space together with Dane Knudsen.
KORRELATION animated | arty | digital | physical September 2020 Interactive Media Installation on submarine ecosystems Commissioned by ZKM | Center for Arts and Media KarlsruheProduced for “Seasons of Media Arts” Festival Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… KORRELATION transforms a street in the center of Karlsruhe into an abstract water landscape that changes under the feet of passers-by and visualizes the traces they leave behind. The installation is divided into two phases: One focuses on the sensual perception, the other one on a scientific, data-based observation of our environment.
BE\\LONGING animated | arty | digital | physical März 2020 Projection Mapping on digital romanticism Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… Digitization has created an abstract world of data, media and algorithms. Social media, artificial intelligence, machine-learning and blockchain technology are shaking up firmly established social structures. Already at the end of the 18th century there were similar developments, as the Enlightenment was introduced into society as the rationalization of nature from which Romanticism developed as a juxtaposition. BE\\LONGING aims to artistically
Walls of Perception (with Xenorama) animated | physical August 2019 Large Scale Architecture Projection Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… Inspired by the psychedelic art and philosophy of the 60s, the projection show “Walls of Perception” describes the mind-expanding journey of a fictive protagonist. Influenced by works of the OpArt and the progressive and experimental music of the time, the projection investigates how the perception of reality and our relation with media have changed since than and which long lasting role those times play until today. Existing structures – represented
Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens animated | applied | arty | digital | graphical | physical November 2018 Theoretical thoughts and experimental infrastructures on the history and future of screens Master Thesis in the Digital Media program at University of the Arts Bremen Supervised by Prof. Dennis Paul and Prof. Frieder Nake The project “Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens” combines a detailed examination of the historic development of screens and theoretical thoughts about the essence of screenic properties with two experimental infrastructures to make speculations about screens of the future tangible. Theoretical Part… As a starting point to examine this
LUX EXCELSIS (With Xenorama) animated | arty | graphical | physical Januar 2018 Ceiling projection in church vault… In religious and spiritual contexts, the terms light and height are often associated with a universal and ordering power — similar to mathematics and geometry in the field of natural science. The nave of the St. Andreas church in Hildesheim is characterized by a stellar vault at 90ft height, which connects and subdivides the individual sections of the church ceiling. In an audiovisual architectural projection, the geometric structure and the resulting conception of space are explored, as well as the meaning of the firmament — which is implicit in the
RESONANCE (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical Januar 2018 Interactive Tap Dance performance… In Tap Dance, the performers act as dancers and musicians at the same time. In cooperation with an advanced Tap Dance ensemble lead by Daniel Luka we extend this symbiosis on the visual and sonic level to create a unique fusion of sound, body and light. In the course of several phases, the performance follows the dancers on a travel from the origin of Tap Dance through scenes of challenging choreography and spontaneous improvisation towards a multi-sensory climax.
Transkutan (with Xenorama) animated | arty | physical August 2016 Analogously produced Projection Mapping Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… “Transkutan” is a medical term that describes the transition of a substance through the skin. In our projection show we explore the omniscalar coherence between architecture and body, between facade and skin. The animation follows a fictitious travel through different layers of the human skin. It starts with microscopic cellular processes, investigates the facade as membrane and finally lets parts of the human body interact with the architectural shapes.
RADIX (with Xenorama) animated | arty | digital | physical Juli 2016 Wooden sculpture augmented by projections and sound Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… Radix is a wooden root sculpture augmented by projection and sound. The sculpture is brought to life as a fictive entity: part organism, part apparatus. In an ongoing play of light and sound the object undergoes a transformation from it’s initial natural shape towards a technical formation while the two aspects strive for dominance. Organic veins are taken over by digital structures and finally replaced by geometric patterns until the cycle begins
facade dialogs (with xenorama) animated | physical September 2015 Civic participation projection at CityLeaks Urban Art Festival Cologne Together with Hans Arnhold, Marcel Bückner, Philipp Kunze Music & Sound Design by Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel… The project Facade Dialogs is a participative video installation in the public space that shows different perspectives out and on Cologne Mülheim. The architecture of two facades facing each other are turned into a stage and a lectern that mediates discussions and debates about identity, spatial relations and the developments of the district. The project Facade Dialogs was a contribution to the CityLeaks
Oneironaut (with Xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2015 projection mapping at the schlosslichtspiel on the castle karlsruhe together with marcel bückner, tim heinze, richard oeckel, moritz richartz Produced by Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Many thanks to the technical support by PONG.LI!… In August and September 2015 Xenorama was invited by the ZKM to contribute this project to the GLOBALE in the course of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe. Our show „Oneironaut – Visions of a lucid palace“ was projected
moya facade (with xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2014 projection at genius loci weimar projection mapping festival together with Marcel Bückner, Thorbjörn Geisler, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz… Together with my colleagues from Xenorama I was contributing a projection to one of the three facades of Genius Loci Festival 2014 in Weimar. The show was hosted at the Herderplatz and projected onto the Ohm Krüger House as well as onto the statue of Johann Gottfried von Herder. Herder’s and Krüger’s quite discrepant perspectives served highly inspirational as Heder’s statue has been facing Paul Krügers busk for
a tale on textile (at urbanscreen) animated | digital | physical August 2013 A textile sculpture augmented with projections together with joshuah howard and jonas wiese at urbanscreen in cooperation with svenja keune… “A tale on textile – The colony” combines a three dimensional, textile surface with the medium of projection. The organic appearance is supported by a subtle illuminated animation, which blurs the boundaries between real and virtual. The project was a cooperation between Joshuah Howard, Lorenz Potthast and Jonas Wiese at URBANSCREEN.COM and the Hamburg based textile artist and designer Svenja Keune. It was developed for the internal
fusion festival (participation at Urbanscreen) animated | arty | digital Juli 2013 Audiovisual design for the main stage at Fusion Festival Together with Joshuah Howard, Julian Hölscher, Moritz Horn, Max Negrelli, Lorenz Potthast, Frank Wagner, Jonas Wiese Participation at Urbanscreen… During my internship at Urbanscreen I was also part of the team that was developing an audiovisual installation for the main stage at Fusion Festival. We designed a site-specific object for a very special location. The shapes of the mounted sculpture are precisely fitting for the projection. Combined with the projected light, the sculpture transforms the hangar
26th floor (at Urbanscreen)26th floor (participation at urbanscreen) animated | applied | digital | graphical | physical Juli 2013 An augmented sculpture at Four Seasons Hotel Beirut, Lebanon Participation at Urbanscreen… This permanent light sculpture was exclusively developed for the rooftop of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut. Sculpture development and content development refer to each other in an interdependent design. By assimilating specific aspects of the environment, this work was developed from scratch as a site-specific piece of art. See the whole documentation here at the Urbanscreen website. During my internship at Urbanscreen I was contributing to this project on many levels. I was involved in the conceptual
modular crates animated | arty | digital | physical Mai 2013 Sound reactive sculpture at the unterseedorf festival Together with Simon Ulbricht, Rasmus Rienecker and many more… At the Unterseedorf Festival in Bremen we build a abstract structure out of juice crates which was illuminated by a projector. Also we installed a shoutbox where the visitors could yell their thoughts, wishes or just anger which than would influence the projected contents. We where a big group contributing to the project, my main focus was to generate the projected visuals together with Simon Ulbricht. The Unterseedorf Festival was organized by the Zuckerwerk, a network around
dream bubble machinedream bubble machine animated | arty | digital | physical Juli 2012 Room installation with projections on soap bubbles Together with Fabricius Seifert Supervised by Prof. Roland Lambrette… A dark room with a raw, restless machine. It produces soap bubbles filled with smoke and projected images. The contents are hard to recognize, they are moving, flickering and finaly inevitably dying. Shown are images of a fortune-uniformed media landscape, that build dreams as fast as it destroys them. The installation makes light not only visible at the emitter and where it hits an object, but also in the space between. The emerging flying, bodiless images appear as if
werkschau Iwerkschau I animated | digital | physical März 2012 Ausstellungsystem erweitert durch Lichtanimationen Betreut von Prof. Oliver Niewiadomski Danke an Nane Bergmann, Florian Born, Timothy Lizotte und Christian Meyer… Im Studiengang Integriertes Design an der HfK Bremen gibt es nach dem 3. Semester eine Zwischenpräsentation (Werkschau I) bei der alle bisherigen Projekte präsentiert und ausgestellt werden. Zu diesem Anlass entwickelte ich ein Ausstellungssystem das die einzelnen Projekte per Lichtanimation in Szene setzt und so die Aufmerksamkeit während des Vortrages gezielt lenkt. Mit einem Kurzdistanzbeamer
hochschultage 2012open day hfk 2012 animated | applied | digital | graphical Februar 2012 Corporate Design und Trailer für die Hochschultage 2012 Betreut von Prof. Roland Lambrette, Henning Rogge Zusammen mit Mikko Gaertner, Filippo Baraccani (Trailer) und anderen.… Das Gestaltung der Hochschultage wird jedes Jahr von einer Gruppe von Studenten erarbeitet. Das Konzept soll im wesentlichen die HfK nach außen publik machen und Menschen für die Hochschultage interessieren. Dabei gilt es zu beachten, die Fachbereiche Musik, Kunst & Design und die vielen Studiengänge angemessen zu repräsentieren. Die konzeptionelle Gestaltung des versucht diesen vielfältigen
3d effektevideo3d effect video animated | digital Juli 2009 3D Animation mit unterschiedlichen Techniken und Simulationen Danke an Soulcage Department… Dieser Clip ist mein bisher aufwendigstes 3D Projekt. Er vereint Realfilmelemente mit einem digital animiertem Charakter. Außerdem kommen Techniken zur Simulation von Textilien, Wasser und eine dynamische Partikel-Feuersimulation zum Einsatz. Der Film ist zur Vorbereitung und während meines Praktikums beim Soulcage Departement entstanden und ist mehr ein technisches Experiment als ein narratives oder inhaltliches Projekt. Zuerst analysierte ich die Kamerabewegung aus dem Realfilm