GLACIAL MEMORIES (with Xenorama) animated | applied | digital | physical Dezember 2023 Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in PotsdamTogether with Marcel Bückner, Mateo Zieten, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze … While Glaciers store most of our world wide drinking water resources they also act as natural archives which store and divulge historical data from the past. As a recollective medium the ice conserves reports over long forgotten developments providing details about previous climate changes and natural disasters in history. Changes in climate continually challenge these archives
OPEN SPACE DOMSHOF (with Xenorama) applied | digital | physical Juni 2021 Light and media concept in urban context June until September 2021 Commissioned by University of the Arts Bremen Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… The Open Space project is already taking place for the third time and brought a colourful mix of cultural events to Bremen’s Domshof for a period of three months. We developed a media and lighting concept for the temporary, sculptural scaffolding construction. The building is a stage, auditorium, gallery, forum and rooftop bar at the same time. Our concept for the project serves as a platform
Summerschool Bremen Durban animated | applied | digital | physical September 2020 Workshop on projections in public space with DUT Durban, South Africa Academic exchange between University of the Arts Bremen and Durban University of Technology… I was part of the organizing team of an DAAD funded exchange program between Bremen and Durban, and could incorporate some of my previous expericences and other projects in South Africa. Also I conducted a workshop called „Blurring the Virtual and the Physical“ about interventions in Public Space together with Dane Knudsen.
Überseewiese applied | graphical | physical März 2020 Design, Participation and activities around the Überseestadt As part of „Meet Your Neighbours AG“ at HfK BremenIn cooperation with Überseekirche, GEWOBA Bremen and many others… MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS was a platform for intercultural exchange, that evolved from common activities of people from the University of Arts Bremen and refugees from the neighbouring accomodations in the Überseestadt. Since 2015 we have organized various projects and activities, reaching from art and creative offers, language and homework support to design and digital workshops and since 2018
AUFBRUCH Polarstern applied | digital September 2019 Floor and ship projection for MOSAiC expedition Together with Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze at Xenorama… For the farewell event of the MOSAiC expedition in Tromsø, Norway, we developed two projection formats to celebrate the departure of the POLARSTERN research ice breaker. For the captain and the expedition leader, the way aboard the ship led over a surface of ice floes projected onto the ground, which broke under their movements. Before the icebreakers’ cast off, the POLARSTERN facade was then turned into a projection canvas
Coordination Digital Impact Lab applied | digital Februar 2019 Experimental space at the intersection of digital, cultural and social development As Research assistant at M2C Institute for Applied Media Technology and Culture at City University of Applied Sciences Bremen … Since February 2019 I have been one of two coordinators of the Digital Impact Lab, together with Peter Schwartz. The Digital Impact Lab is an experimental space of learning and development for the exchange and reflection between experts and people interested on the digitalization of our world. We want to initiate changes and focus on digitally based, participative activities and
Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens animated | applied | arty | digital | graphical | physical November 2018 Theoretical thoughts and experimental infrastructures on the history and future of screens Master Thesis in the Digital Media program at University of the Arts Bremen Supervised by Prof. Dennis Paul and Prof. Frieder Nake The project “Screenization – On the Diffusion of Digital Screens” combines a detailed examination of the historic development of screens and theoretical thoughts about the essence of screenic properties with two experimental infrastructures to make speculations about screens of the future tangible. Theoretical Part… As a starting point to examine this
100m² MEER applied | digital | physical Mai 2017 Interactive floor projection for exhibition about the ocean Together with the Master Studio „System und Struktur“… For the German Science Year “Seas and Oceans” the House of Science Bremen organized a major exhibition incorporating all of its ten participating research facilities and institutes. The exhibition was designed and realised by the Master-Studio “Systems and Structures” of the University of Arts Bremen. We supplemented the concept of a polygonal exhibition architecture with the impression of an ocean trench by an interactive floor projection. A stream of light
MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS applied Dezember 2015 Cultural initiative with refugees and students Together with various other HfK students and employees… MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS is an informal but regular meeting with people from the University of Arts Bremen and refugees from the neighbouring accomodations in the Überseestadt Bremen. In December 2015 a group of students and people working at the HfK started organizing movie evenings to get in contact with refugees from the neighbouring accomodations. The simple idea behind it was, that the best way to help people to settle in a new environment is through direct contact and uncomplicated support.
Oneironaut (with Xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2015 projection mapping at the schlosslichtspiel on the castle karlsruhe together with marcel bückner, tim heinze, richard oeckel, moritz richartz Produced by Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Many thanks to the technical support by PONG.LI!… In August and September 2015 Xenorama was invited by the ZKM to contribute this project to the GLOBALE in the course of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe. Our show „Oneironaut – Visions of a lucid palace“ was projected
BAT Multimedia Centre applied | digital | physical Mai 2015 setup and coordination of computer room at community art centre in durban, south africa Through the weltwärts exchange program Supported by the german Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the eThekwini Municipality… From October 2014 until September 2015 I was working as Multimedia Centre Coordinator at the BAT Centre in Durban, South Africa. My stay was part of the Weltwärts program, a social and cultural exchange initiative supported by the german government and the local eThekwini Municipality. The BAT Centre is a community based arts and cultural
moya facade (with xenorama) animated | applied | digital | graphical August 2014 projection at genius loci weimar projection mapping festival together with Marcel Bückner, Thorbjörn Geisler, Tim Heinze, Richard Oeckel, Moritz Richartz… Together with my colleagues from Xenorama I was contributing a projection to one of the three facades of Genius Loci Festival 2014 in Weimar. The show was hosted at the Herderplatz and projected onto the Ohm Krüger House as well as onto the statue of Johann Gottfried von Herder. Herder’s and Krüger’s quite discrepant perspectives served highly inspirational as Heder’s statue has been facing Paul Krügers busk for
26th floor (at Urbanscreen)26th floor (participation at urbanscreen) animated | applied | digital | graphical | physical Juli 2013 An augmented sculpture at Four Seasons Hotel Beirut, Lebanon Participation at Urbanscreen… This permanent light sculpture was exclusively developed for the rooftop of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut. Sculpture development and content development refer to each other in an interdependent design. By assimilating specific aspects of the environment, this work was developed from scratch as a site-specific piece of art. See the whole documentation here at the Urbanscreen website. During my internship at Urbanscreen I was contributing to this project on many levels. I was involved in the conceptual
dipdip applied | digital | graphical Januar 2013 Betreut von Prof. Gillian Crampton Smith und Prof. Philip Tabor Zusammen mit Ruggero Castagnola, Maria D’Uonno und Laura Panno… DIP ist eine Smartphone App die es ermöglicht die Unterwasserwelt in den Kanälen von Venedig zu erkunden. In unserem Konzept sind unter einigen Brücken in der Stadt Mikrocontrollereinheiten platziert die sich drahtlos mit dem Telefon verbinden und es einem erlauben eine Unterwasserkamera fernzusteuern und zusätzliche Echtzeitdaten zum Zustand des Kanals abzurufen. Die App visualisiert Über- und Unterwasserdaten, wie zum Beispiel die Flußrichtung
drück mich! (bei HKS)squeeze me! (at HKS) applied | digital September 2012 Webdokumentation zum Thema Demenz Bei HKS/AWA Crossmedia… „Drück mich! / Squeeze me!“ heißt ein crossmediales Projekt der Bremer Journalistin und Filmemacherin Annette Wagner – alias awa crossmedia produktionen – in Zusammenarbeit mit ZDF/arte und filmtank Berlin. Es verzahnt fünf traditionelle und neue Medienformate zum multimedialen Appell an Menschen jeden Alters, sich mit dem belastenden Thema Demenz angstfrei zu befassen – und über Pro und Contra von robotergestützter Therapie in Pflegeheimen zu diskutieren. Eines der Formate ist eine interaktive
doorhandle „welcome“ applied | physical August 2012 a friendly door handle made of zinc supervised by prof. andreas kramer… „welcome“ is a friendly door handle. The outstretched hand is a symbol of openness and friendliness, it gives one the feeling of being welcome. The hard and cold apperance of the metal is combined with the warm connotation of the gesture and thereby creates an elegant and fascinating aesthetic. The project was the winning design of a cooperation between the University of Arts Bremen and the „Initiative Zink“. Other partners were the Fraunhofer-Institut for manufacturing technology and the design manufactury
hochschultage 2012open day hfk 2012 animated | applied | digital | graphical Februar 2012 Corporate Design und Trailer für die Hochschultage 2012 Betreut von Prof. Roland Lambrette, Henning Rogge Zusammen mit Mikko Gaertner, Filippo Baraccani (Trailer) und anderen.… Das Gestaltung der Hochschultage wird jedes Jahr von einer Gruppe von Studenten erarbeitet. Das Konzept soll im wesentlichen die HfK nach außen publik machen und Menschen für die Hochschultage interessieren. Dabei gilt es zu beachten, die Fachbereiche Musik, Kunst & Design und die vielen Studiengänge angemessen zu repräsentieren. Die konzeptionelle Gestaltung des versucht diesen vielfältigen