
Oneironaut (with Xenorama)

animated | applied | digital | graphical
August 2015

projection mapping at the schlosslichtspiel on the castle karlsruhe
together with marcel bückner, tim heinze, richard oeckel, moritz richartz
Produced by Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe
Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Many thanks to the technical support by PONG.LI!

In August and September 2015 Xenorama was invited by the ZKM to contribute this project to the GLOBALE in the course of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe. Our show „Oneironaut – Visions of a lucid palace“ was projected on the castle in Karlsruhe as part of the Schlosslichtspiele.

In our show we narrate the vision of the margrave Karl Wilhelm which inspired him to build the majestic palace as a centre of the geometric city. Decoupled from physical borders the scope of possibility is transcended while the dreamer develops a lucid consciousness and gains control over the events. Before the inner eye the ideal palace is created while challenging its actual appearance.



The 15 minute long animation is projected with 24 Full HD cinema projectors on the 180m long building. The premiere of the show on the 8th of August was visited by approximately 10.000 visitors and received very positive feedback. For us this was a very fascinating opportunity to operate in the public space and engage with the audience in a way they have never experienced before.





